zondag 2 oktober 2016

Letting Go: How It Helps You

13:33:00 - By Vincent 0

child letting go of stress and happy
Letting go does not mean giving up! In fact, it helps you gain peace of mind and move forward.
Today I’ve a special guest – please welcome Donna, who’s an intuitive life coach and personal development expert. Let’s read all that she has to share with us today – over to her.
Letting go of anything is so difficult for some people. It can be a hurtful family member or just a piece of furniture.
When we refuse to let go, what happens? We remain stagnant.
Our life is so cluttered with the old, often useless and dysfunctional stuff that we have no room for new things to come in.
I know how difficult it is when a loved one passes on. We mourn our loss and go through a ritual such as burying or cremating the person. Each culture has its own way of facing the “ending”.
We give ourselves time to mourn and then let go. I don’t want to sound morbid by using this example, but it is the ultimate experience of letting go.
Death is something everyone learns to handle because it is an inevitable part of the natural life cycle.
But what happens to people when they become entrenched in a specific lifestyle, or a particular journey and they just can’t adjust to any alteration or modification?

Why People are Afraid of Letting Go

People may stay at a job they don’t like because of fear of what is beyond their potential. Some stay there for years and do not allow themselves to grow and enjoy the things they may love to do.
I notice that when people refuse to let go of things that just don’t work for them any longer, their happiness and sense of self worth start to melt away. They cannot enjoy their spouse, their family, etc.
They may get angry or play victim to the very circumstances that they foster. In any case, they won’t allow themselves to try to extend themselves even for a job interview, let alone starting their own business.
And, often enough, if they do step out of their comfort zone and things don’t work out, they quickly play the blame game to make things somebody else’s fault.

Letting Go of Things in Your Life

I know a woman who is quite a hoarder. Now, this is a physical and transparent form of refusing to let go.
This person cannot let go of her furniture because it reminds her of her past. Her garage is full of surplus furniture and she always complained about it, and begged me to help her get rid of it. But first, I extended myself by visiting her to take pictures of everything, from furniture down to the silverware.
I made a photo album for her so she could keep those memories without cluttering her home. Little by little, she started to give away something here and there. But she didn’t let go of these things without anxiety.
So each time she gave something away, I suggested that she look at the picture we took. After two years, her house has nothing but the essentials in it. Now she is even ready to move to a new place.
Unsurprisingly, this woman’s willingness to let go of her furniture has opened her to letting go of some negative relationships in her life. As she has done so, she’s been able to replace them some good and positive relationships that she had previously avoided.
This is one simple way to illustrate how letting go of things go in our lives enables us to grow, and to move on to new adventures and possibilities.
woman happy after let go of stress

Letting Go and Starting Your Business

When it comes to our wonderful world of business on the internet, I find that lots of folks are fearful of letting go of menial jobs that are going nowhere in order to start their own business.
So, what can we do with the person who can’t let go of dead-end jobs and careers, even though they are fully capable of doing better?
“Create a back door!” I usually suggest. Go on working as usual, but create time to work on your own business. Nothing happens overnight.
Start your new venture part time, utilizing spare evening or weekend hours. There are many successful people who are doing business part time via the Internet.
That phrase “create a back door” is comforting to those who find it difficult to let go all at once. All one has to do is be diligent, persistent and a business will bloom.
Time is not necessarily of the essence here. “Letting go” is.
Starting an online business part time affords a comfort zone to many people that I’ve consulted with.
They can rely on the job that keeps them financially and emotionally comfortable, while taking daring little chances for a few hours a day.
It’s really not uncommon that before they know it, they are able to totally let go of the go-nowhere job and mentality, and apply themselves fully to doing what makes them happy.

Letting Go of People in Your Life

Letting go of people that are toxic is a biggie, too!
I must have heard a hundred stories about people that won’t let go of a toxic or worse,abusive relationship.
I feel this is the worst form of refusing to let go, especially if there are children involved in the situation.
It is often not an easy thing to let go of a partner because of financial situations, or worse, the syndrome whereby one spouse believes that they cannot survive without the other, even if it puts them (and others) in harm’s way.
Now, if there are children involved in this situation, they are being abused, too. Yes! If daddy is putting down mommy or even worse, displaying violence, the children will suffer, too. To me that is criminal.
But hey, I’m not Queen of the world. I just know this from my own personal experience!
When the abused spouse lets go of the abusive partner (and sometimes it is best to get help before one does it), they end up gaining strength. Why? Because it takes so much strength to deal with that situation, when it is over, the victim who couldn’t let go – turns into the victor who did.


So you see – letting go is often required in order for you to move forward in your life, and in your business.
We all need to let go of some things in our lives in order to grow. The above examples may be pretty extreme, but try applying it to even small things in your life.
Are you holding on to something that you just cannot shake? Do you dream of anything at all that you aren’t doing right now?
What are you waiting for? Let go of ANYTHING that is holding you back and realize that you never stuck in time, you are always evolving. Growth and development never end!
Over To You –
Do you believe in letting go? What can you let go of to make room for growth and improvement in your life? Share in the comments.

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