woensdag 28 september 2016

7 Easy Ways to Find Inner Strength

13:30:00 - By Vincent 0


A handwritten note emphasizing on the need to believe in and find inner strength
Do you want to know how can you find inner strength in your life? Do you have any idea where you’d look for it?
Of course, you do not have to venture out to discover your inner strength as that precious inner strength is within you, thus it is aptly termed so. However, sometimes it is okay to take help of external factors to find inner strength.
You must have often heard and read about people using their inner strength to overcome seemingly impossible difficulties and obstacles in their lives. You can do the same.
You need to understand that each one of you has the strength and support you need already within you – you just have to find it. Without finding your inner strength, you often tend to fall short of your goals.
Sometimes you need to keep looking out for things, people, events, and signs that will help you to connect with your inner strength.
Just like any other skill, inner strength can be searched, developed, and worked upon once you are ready. You do need to conduct certain exercises, engage yourself in activities, and make some efforts.
“You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” ~ Brian Tracy

What is Inner Strength

You need to first clarify the meaning of inner strength. Isn’t inner strength a state of mind? Doesn’t it depend on what you think about yourself and believe in all that you can do?
Inner strength is the strong conviction that comes from within, when you believe in yourself.
Your inner strength is expressed in forms of will power, positive attitude, belief, and confidence in yourself. It’s the positive image and assessment of yourself that makes you feel good, capable, and courageous.
It’s something that says within you – “I can” – no matter what the problem or situation.
Probably it is lot more than that. Your inner strength can make you do wonders. It is a vast reservoir of power that springs from within – an inexhaustible source of miraculous energy.
Inner strength is characterized by self control, self discipline, detachment, persistence, peace of mind, and the ability to concentrate.
With inner strength comes determination, the courage to persist, the power to change, the spirit of endurance, and the force to challenge.
For some people the definition of inner strength is a force of will, though it’s often just the opposite. When you want to find real inner strength, you need to find ways to weather life’s tribulations calmly and peacefully.
This can happen only when you don’t cling to your force of will, rather let it go, which will help you find your inner strength.
There are many tips to develop your inner strength and power as I had discussed in an earlier post. Finding inner strength is regaining the belief and confidence in oneself.
“You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength, and say, “I’m proud of what I am and who I am, and I’m just going to be myself.” ~ Mariah Carey

How Can You Find Inner Strength

Anything that helps you find inner peace can also help in finding inner strength. Reaffirming your spiritual beliefs, getting in touch with nature, doing something to nurture yourself or taking time away from work will help you connect with your inner strength.
It’s in your trying times that you need your family and friends to find ways to come together and find the inner strength with one another. All it takes is a little bit of teamwork, determination, love, and understanding.
Most people show their lack of inner strength with sentences that include the word “impossible” or “can’t” in them. For example, I can’t cook, I can’t lift that bucket, I can’t lose weight, or it’s impossible to write, it’s impossible to earn money, etc.
With such negative thoughts, you are absolutely right, you can never do anything. So, what do you do? Hire someone to spoon feed you or do your work for you? I guess that’s not the path you want to take.
Thus, it’s important to introspect and converse with yourself about where you want to go in life, how you want to turn those negative “can’t” to “can” and “impossible” to “i-m-possible”, and how you want to get there.
Making mistakes, failing, and undergoing traumatic moments are all part of our lives. So, finding inner strength is all the more crucial in being happy, though what’s important is finding that inner strength so that you can rely on it even in your down moments.
Thus, never give up on working on your inner strength.
“Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out.” ~ Katherine Dunham

The Key to Finding Your Inner Strength

How do you gather all the inner strength and courage to overcome sudden hardships? You can do so by turning your negatives to positives.
  • Start gradually
You need to first start by taking baby steps to achieve inner strength. Don’t try to jump into immediate action that doesn’t work always.
Instead, find ways to support yourself and remove the negative words as mentioned above from your vocabulary.
  • Think positive
If you have thought one of your goals as losing weight, then imagine yourself by closing your eyes at the weight you are aiming for. Imagine what you would be doing, thinking, and feeling.
You need to feel those emotions, then open your eyes and find ways to reach those goals by incorporating all that you felt.
  • Remain positive
When your goals are set and you start thinking positive, your outlook to life will change. If you feel you cannot lose weight, instead of telling yourself that “I can’t” or “it’s impossible”, try telling yourself “I’m learning how to lose weight”.
Similarly, try shifting all your cant’s into a learning process and give yourself time to develop and find your inner strength.
Remember, your internal support system and inner strength is already present, it’s just waiting for you to tap into it and by taking small gradual steps, move forward to reach your goals.
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

Ways to Find Inner Strength

Once you have made up your mind to tread on a path and think positively, developed a positive attitude, and have complete belief in what you are doing, you need to next find ways to discover that inner strength within.
Some strategies that can help you finding your inner strength on those difficult days are –

1. Take time to focus

You need to takeout time for yourself to focus on you and think about what you need to feel stronger. List out all your positive qualities and accomplishments, and if you can’t do that, seek help from your friends or family.
So, when you are feeling low or down, look up this list and feel good for your smallest of efforts. You need to remember that it’s very easy to think about failure and the negatives in life, but you need to fight those thoughts and learn  – to not fear failure.

2. Remain calm and patient

Confucius once said, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, so remember that problems may not be solved in one day, thus remain calm and patient.
Celebrate each moment when you take small steps towards solving a problem and feeling better, because those achievements are what help you find your inner strengths.

3. Stay active, sleep well, and have fun

Studies show that you improve your self-image and moods when you eat healthy, smile, exercise regularly, and sleep at least eight hours every night, so don’t forget to do these things.
Also, with the stressful lives we all live, it’s important to have fun by doing things you like to do. It could be things like watching movies, playing games, learning something new, attending live shows, make family time or even acting silly at times!
Just remember to be spontaneous, embrace your inner child, and let loose.

4. Interact and meet people

It would help you a great deal if you in turn volunteer to help others, which can help improve your self-confidence and build  inner strength.
Even attending peer support groups helps to receive support, guidance, and encouragement, and you get to meet new people who may be in a similar situation as you and would understand what you are undergoing.
You could even share your personal stories with trusted friends or others that will help you understanding yourself better and find your inner strength. If you don’t want to talk about your story, try recording it or writing it down in a journal.

5. Express yourself

Find ways to express how you would like to feel or how do you feel by doing things like dancing, drawing, writing, and painting. Try even just doing something you like or even trying to do something unusual by stepping out of your comfort zone.
Doing these various activities are great ways to get rid of negative emotions and energies, and you are able to understand yourself better this ways.

6. Repeat self-affirmations daily

Words or sentences like “I can do it”, or “This too shall pass”, or “I am doing the best I can”, are positive thoughts or affirmations to counteract the negative ones.
They make you feel good about yourself and boost your self-confidence and help youachieve wellness, which in turn helps discover your inner strength.

7. Spend time with family, friends, even pets

Surround yourself with supportive and helpful family and friends who keep reminding you about how good you are and listen to you whenever you need to talk or discuss things.
If need arises, it’s alright to ask for help without feeling ashamed or embarrassed, either from your family or friends, or even seek professional help if need be.
It’s been proven that spending time with your pet also improves your inner strength as your bodies release hormones that makes you feel stronger. So, go ahead and give your pet a hug for being a part of your life and helping you without even knowing about it.
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” ~ Mother Teresa
Here is another wonderful post on different ways to build  your inner strength that you may like. I also had to share this wonderful video about Nick Vujicic, whom I am sure you all must have heard of some time or the other.
Never Give Up ~ Nick Vujicic ~ You Tube video
Isn’t Nick’s courage and belief in himself an inspiration to all of you? If he can do so much and remains so positive, what’s holding you back? I guess it’s time to change your way of thinking, if you have problems believing in your inner strength.
Speaking of myself, being a freelance writer and working from home, I receive my inner strength from my work, kids and family.
I think I overcome my deepest emotions and convert my fears into strength and power when I know I have my husband’s full support and the love of my kids beside me.
“I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time.” ~ Anna Freud
Remember that changing your life isn’t always about learning more, but about using your inner strength. So, by discovering the way to your inner self, you will also find inner strength and peace.
Over to you –
What ways would you suggest to find inner strength in our lives? Do you feel it’s possible to develop your inner strength? Share your experiences of finding inner strength in the comments below.


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